Our Clients Work with Us

1. Purchasing and Installing our Sensors
For clients who are tech-savvy and who know what they want, TelosAir is ready to support them by providing our state-of-the-art sensors, internet gateways, and secure cloud data collection and storage. These clients often know exactly how many sensors they want, where they want to place them, and often have in-house capabilities to download and analyze the discrete air quality data we’ve captured and stored securely for them in the cloud.

2. Engaging Us to Diagnose an Air Quality Problem
Many clients have a critical need to monitor the air quality in their facilities around the clock and alert team members when something out of the ordinary is detected. Hospitals, manufacturers, hotels, and other industries need to know right away if their indoor air quality is deteriorating and if the health and safety of workers and customers is at risk. For these clients, our AQuaaS (Air Quality as a Service) solution is the right fit: TelosAir provides all the needed sensors, gateways, data capture, analytics and dashboard access, and more, all for a reasonable monthly subscription fee based on the level of service and the number of sensors deployed.

3. Subscribing to our AQuaaS 24×7 Real-Time Air Quality Monitoring Solution
Many clients have a critical need to monitor the air quality in their facilities around the clock and alert team members when something out of the ordinary is detected. Hospitals, manufacturers, hotels, and other industries need to know right away if their indoor air quality is deteriorating and if the health and safety of workers and customers is at risk. For these clients, our AQuaaS (Air Quality as a Service) solution is the right fit: TelosAir provides all the needed sensors, gateways, data capture, analytics and dashboard access, and more, all for a reasonable monthly subscription fee based on the level of service and the number of sensors deployed.
Still not sure which of our offerings is right for you?
Our Air Quality Experts are ready to discuss your goals for improving your indoor air quality either by purchasing our air sensors, engaging us for a detailed diagnostic with proposed air quality remediations, or by using our Air Quality as a Service (AQuaaS) service for complete, around-the-clock monitoring and protection.

If you know that you have an indoor air quality problem, know roughly where it is, are comfortable with placing air quality sensors throughout the affected areas, and are reasonably comfortable with data and analytics, you may be ready to purchase our air sensors directly for your own internal use. We’ll always be available to help, of course, if you need us!
Are Air Quality Sensors all I need to get started?
If you answer “yes” to one or more of these questions, you may be ready to purchase TelosAir sensors:
- Do you know that you have a specific indoor air quality issue (e.g., high CO2 levels, stale air, worker or customer complaints)?
- Do you have an idea of where in your facility that issue might be (e.g., you know that workers are complaining about strange smells in the break room, or your HVAC contractor has told you that your system is not permitting you to have a high enough air exchange rate so you might have CO2 build-up in interior office spaces, etc.)?
- Are you comfortable with purchasing and installing a simple-to-use air sensor on your own?
- Do you have internal team members or an existing HVAC or electrical contractor with whom you work on a regular basis, who will help you to configure the number and type of sensors right for you?
Would I benefit from a full Diagnostic Engagement with TelosAir?
If you answer “yes” to one or more of the following questions, you may be ready for a diagnostic engagement with TelosAir:
- Do you suspect you have an indoor air quality problem at one or more of your facilities, but you don’t really know what it is or why you might be having the problem?
- Are you busy and don’t have the time to worry about how many sensors to purchase or where to put them?
- Do you feel that you would need assistance in interpreting and analyzing the data from air quality sensors, in order to know exactly what your air quality problem is and what to do about it?
- Do you have a short-term need to diagnose a set of specific air-quality issues?

If you suspect that you have an indoor air quality problem, but are unsure of what it might be, where it might be, or what to do about it, and you don’t have the time or bandwidth to handle it by yourself or with your internal team, then you might benefit from a Diagnostic Engagement with the air quality experts at TelosAir. We’ll deploy the right number and the right kind of air sensors, we’ll capture the data, interpret the results, and give you a detailed report on what it all means and what to do about it.

If you have critical needs that require around-the-clock monitoring and maintenance of the quality of your indoor air at a consistently high level, our around-the-clock continuous AQuaaS Air Quality as a Service solution might be right for you.
Would a 24/7 Monitoring & Analytics solution be right for me?
If you answer “yes” to one or more of the following questions, you may be ready for our complete AQuuaS (Air Quality as a Service) solution:
- Do you have a critical need to make sure that the air quality throughout your facility is excellent and is maintained at a consistent level for the health and safety of your staff and customers?
- Do you need to be alerted on a continuous, real-time, 24×7 basis if your indoor air quality degrades or levels of certain indicators (e.g., CO, CO2, particulate matter, or the presence of certain biological particulates) reach critical levels?
- Do you want to have a team of experts standing by your side with a complete, end-to-end solution that monitors, analyzes, reports, and potentially remediates your indoor air quality automatically with very little input from you and your team?
- Do you want the ease of a simple monthly subscription that covers all required sensors, internet gateways, data collection, data analysis and reporting, and remediation?